83 – The severe health effects of government


(duration 29:28)

After discussing a recent cruise and the nature of the foods onboard, we delve into the parallel needs for self-responsibility and independent thinking in the realms of nutrition and political philosophy. Being major advocates of freedom, we discuss the nature of “government,” particularly its inherent rights-violating and propagandistic ways, which don’t serve the interests of individuals. The corporate food and nutrition industries tend to use the coercive tools of government to promote their own agendas, which aren’t so healthy for individuals either. Fortunately, health care will eventually be based on self-reliance and free market services, not a top-down, hierarchical system at odds with personal choice, property rights, and prosperity. Same goes for children’s education, where intrinsic motivation (rather than external control) is essential for growth and flourishing. Speaking of which, be sure to check out the upcoming PaleoFX Theory to Practice Symposium.

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Items mentioned in this episode:

a little levity – Muppet Show – Swedish Chef – making donut …maybe gluten free? ;)

Mark Sisson talks to Lew Rockwell on how to get healthier

our political future of complete liberty…


U.S. House protects pizza as a vegetable




check it out! The PaleoFX Ancestral Momentum – Theory to Practice Symposium – March 14-17 2012

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