Paleo Food List part 2

Ok, we’ve covered a list of foods that can be considered “paleo”, or along the lines of what paleolithic man ate.
Now, we can move on to a much longer list- what foods are NOT paleo? To list everything would be like writing a book, and much of it is pretty obvious anyway (is there any question whether paleolithic man had access to donuts or cheetos??).

And then there is the breakdown of packaged foods vs. their actual ingredients.

So I’ll stick with the most questionable and relevant foods. What’s not paleo? Here are a few examples. Feel free to chime in with a comment below on what you would add to the non-paleo list!

1. Bread
2. Pasta
3. Cereal
4. “Whole Grains” (or any grains)
5. Tortillas
6. Ketchup
7. High Fructose Corn Syrup (or any corn syrup)
8. Rice
9. Soy- including soy sauce and soy protein isolate)
10. Pop Tarts (they probably ate Toaster Strudels ;))
11. Pancakes
12. Protein shakes

Put down in the comments below what your favorite (or least favorite) non-paleo foods, and ask a question if you aren’t sure!

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