141 – Pandemic updates, nature of mistakes and moralistic cycles, fostering mindsight


The governmentally imposed restrictions during the pandemic have taken a major toll on people’s health and well-being. Updated scientific information reveals that contact with surfaces exposed to this coronavirus aren’t as much of a risk as airborne particles. Once again, AeroNabs and possibly other synthetic peptides can serve as ingeniously potent PPE to end the pandemic—and all the restrictions. Honoring the mistake-making process is crucial for children and adults, so that we can make more informed and more helpful choices. Shaming and blaming, along with criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling, indicate injuries to volitional consciousness and unprocessed developmental trauma. Moralistic judgment leads to deserve-oriented thinking and punishment, inflicting more wounds and impeding learning and growth. Coercive systems contribute immensely to this too. We need reflective dialogues with children based on the process of mindsight, in order to foster more understanding, coherence, and connection. As Dan Siegel notes, emotional intelligence is synonymous with insight, empathy, and flexibility. Make sure to check out https://theembodimentconference.org/

It’s Time to Talk About Covid-19 and Surfaces Again by Gregory Barber

Lab-Made ‘Miniproteins’ Could Block the Coronavirus from Infecting Cells: Synthetic peptides that mimic human antibodies for COVID-19 could be cheaper and easier to produce by Zoe Cormier

Two books by Nathaniel Branden containing the important questions about childhood

Question # 21. Were your mistakes accepted as a normal part of the learning process? Or as something you were taught to associate with contempt, ridicule, punishment?

Parenting from the Inside Out: How A Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and Mary Hartzell, M.Ed.

Joe Rogan Experience #1551 – Paul Saladino


bumper music
Kosheen – All in my head (Planet Funk Remix)