136 – Healthy nutrition during a pandemic, inner and interpersonal repair work


Many months into this pandemic, we’re still experiencing the unfortunate effects of coercive systems trying to deal with the spread of sars cov2. These systems not only can create backlash, but they also forestall adequate testing (both molecular and serological). So, in the meantime wear masks in crowded places and maintain your nutritional health and fitness. Check out the informative links to YouTube shows and podcasts in the notes below! On the psychological side, fostering respect and trust can bring curiosity, openness, and connection. Recognizing interpersonal ruptures and doing repair work can really assist in the healing and growing process internally as well as within the family system (and elsewhere). Tragically, restorative justice tends not to occur in our present culture, which indicates that more awareness, integration, and attunement are needed to create a pro-recovery environment.

A COVID-19 Vaccine Reality Check – So much hope is riding on a breakthrough, but a vaccine is only the beginning of the end. by Sarah Zhang
The Coronavirus Is Never Going Away – No matter what happens now, the virus will continue to circulate around the world.

upcoming informative documentary

Saturated fats: do they cause heart disease? — The Nutrition Coalition

Why Chicken Could Be Harming You and Saturated Fat is a Health Food, with Nina Teicholz | Carnivore MD

FRAUDULENT Nutrition Guidelines? Nina Teicholz & Dr Berry Reveal

Carnivore Concerns: PUFAs, supplements, saunas, & fasting…what REALLY matters? [My Zero Carb Life; Kelly Hogan has been carnivore for 11 years] With Dr. Ken Berry

Dr Robert Cywes – Is Keto Possible on a Vegan Diet (Part 1): Episode 20 – Low Carb USA
Dr Robert Cywes – Is Keto Possible on a Vegan Diet (Part 2): Episode 21

LowCarbUSA Videos: Processed Food Addiction & Mental Health

LowCarbUSA Videos: Panel Discussion – Boca 2020 | KETO-MOJO

Two books by Nathaniel Branden containing the important questions about childhood

Question # 16. Did your parents respect your intellectual and physical privacy?

Parenting from the Inside Out: How A Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and Mary Hartzell, M.Ed.

bumper music
Kosheen – All in my head (Planet Funk Remix)