Exercise your way to your perfect body?

Yesterday, Wes and I interviewed Mark Sisson of marksdailyapple.com.

Wow, was this an insightful interview!

Mark has a very non-mainstream take on fitness, but one that is backed by evidence and facts.
The thing that I am coming to grips with is the idea that doing long distance endurance events is completely unnecessary in achieving a fit body, and is even unhealthy in some areas!

His blog post on Chronic Cardio delves into this. I definitely agree with Mark, that 80% of fat loss has to do with what we put in our mouths (aside from the psychology aspect). However, I’ve been doing long distance swimming for several years now, and for the past 3 years I’ve done a few half marathons.

I’m not ready to drop my entire exercise routine just yet. I really love swimming for 45 minutes to an hour a few times a week, and there’s nothing like going for a 4-5 mile jog by the beach to me. But I’m really excited about incorporating some of Mark’s suggestions in the way of some of the short sprint workouts. And, this information he presents about saving tons of time and being in as good or BETTER shape really intrigues me.

Here’s a sample of Mark’s beach sprint routine:

I’m imagining days of doing 5-15 minute workouts vs. spending 1 hour or more! And, his proof is in the pudding. He’s in his late 50’s and has the body of someone in their 20’s!

How’s your workout routine going? Does this type of exercise interest you?

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