29 – The practice of self-responsibility


(duration 21:34)

Warm-ups are not for wimps! It’s always wise to ease into a series of sprints, for instance

Microwave oven cooking is quick and easy, and healthy

Try to avoid eating foods cooked at high heat; lower temp cooking lessons potential carcinogens and free radicals

Self-responsibility is the third pillar of self-esteem

The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden http://www.nathanielbranden.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21_23&products_id=35

It’s important to shift from saying “I have to…” to “I choose to…”; taking responsibility for your choices is key

It’s unfortunately easy to accept the status quo, even though you can alter it; so, a self-responsible action plan is vital

Being happier is a main outcome of living more responsibly

No one is coming to our rescue; we must thrive as independent and healthy beings

Kids do well with low-carb, paleolithic style eating, rather than with all the junk foods that Americans are used to

Take advantage of the Spring Sale of our complete HMFB package! Details here: http://healthymindfitbody.com/hmfb.html

bumper music “All In My Head” (Remix) – http://www.kosheen.com

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