126 – Coronavirus, mortality, achievements of ancient Greece, consideration and dignity


Greetings again from Athens. In covering more tragic stories about the coronavirus, we explore the nature of mortality and then early Ionia, essentially what the artists created and philosophers developed. Our brains give rise to immense conceptual capacity and self-reflection, which yielded the exquisite artwork and thought in ancient Greece. Yet, being in survival mode can foster dysregulated limbic systems, which can lead to violence, a tragic theme throughout history (as reflected in the Parthenon’s many scars). Forwarding a non-sacrificial ethics remains vital to being able to meet all human needs, including equality, justice, and respect. Honoring each person’s dignity, especially during childhood, can help meet the need for self-esteem and transform costly interpersonal cycles of trauma into authentic healing and growing experiences.

Coronavirus Wuhan diary: ‘He got a hospital bed three hours before he died’ by the BBC’s Joyce Liu and Grace Tsoi

https://www.amazon.com/Human-Advantage-Understanding-Became-Remarkable/dp/0262034255 https://www.ted.com/talks/suzana_herculano_houzel_what_is_so_special_about_the_human_brain?language=en#t-784951

The Acropolis – https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/404/

Two books by Nathaniel Branden containing the important questions about childhood

Question #6. Did your parents treat you with respect? Were your thoughts, needs, and feelings given consideration? Was your dignity as a human being acknowledged? When you expressed ideas or opinions, were they treated seriously? Where your likes and dislikes treated seriously? (Not necessarily agreed with or acceded to, but nonetheless treated seriously?) Were your desires treated thoughtfully and respectfully?

bumper music
Kosheen – All in my head (Planet Funk Remix)